What is meant by Blended class delivery?
The blended learning course consists of two sessions: an online session and a subsequent skills session similar to the instructor-led course. Participants must complete the online work before participating in an in-person skills session, and participants will be required to provide proof of completion of their online learning. Upon registering for a blended class, you will receive information about acceptable proof of online completion.
What is meant by Instructor-Led delivery?
The instructor-led course is designed to be fully taught in person by a Red Cross-certified instructor. The course is a mix of lecture, video and demonstration to provide knowledge-based learning and skill practice to provide hands-on learning. Participants are required to demonstrate skill competency during skill practice and assessment scenarios.
When will I receive my certification?
After the attendance roster for their class session is posted, participants will receive an email from the American Red Cross with a link to their certification. Certification is through the American Red Cross and is valid for 2 years for any First Aid/CPR and Basic Life Support training. Bloodborne Pathogens certification is valid for 1 year.
What do I need for my in-person training session?
Participants must dress comfortably for any in-person blended skills session or instructor-led training to complete the required skills activities. Participants will work with a partner(s) during these activities while being monitored by the class instructor. The skills activities allow for prior practice before completing the required assessment scenarios for all First Aid/CPR and Basic Life Support training.